Welcome to my site. Since you are here, I am guessing that you may have been feeling anxious, down, or restless lately, searching for something to help you feel on track again, and more yourself. Perhaps you’ve had one or more difficult experiences that you’re having trouble letting go of, or don’t know how to move past.

You might have found yourself wondering if you’re living an authentic life – one that feels like it belongs to you. Maybe you're thinking of making some changes, but are feeling confused about next steps. Perhaps change and upheaval have already found you, suddenly turning your life upside down. You’d like to move forward, and it’s hard to know how.

My name is Holly, and I work with people who struggle with anxiety, criticizing themselves, and letting go of shame, loss, and past hurt. I’m here to help you find balance in appreciating the person you already are, together with taking meaningful steps forward in your life - personal growth and change that comes from a connection to what truly matters to you, and lights you up inside.

I’m a counsellor and psychotherapist with 18 years of experience, and a certified trauma professional. If you’re struggling with anxiety, self-judgment, loss, PTSD, and/or past traumas or difficult experiences you can’t seem to let go of (or that won’t seem to let go of you), I’d like to help. We will give your life and well-being focus and attention. I believe that your voice is important, and I want to hear it and help you bring it forward in your life.

If you’d like to read more about how I work with people, click here. If you’re ready to take the next step, please feel free to send me a message, or give me a call for a free 30-minute consultation. Let’s talk about how I can help you along your path.


I am currently providing services via Telehealth appointments (video/online & telephone).

Click here to learn more, and for answers to frequently asked questions, including how Telehealth is an effective and convenient option.

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